Naturopathic Nutritionist
It’s funny, this video was recorded and produced with a completely different intention last summer but through life’s unexpectedness, Noelle Crehan — who is a very talented naturopathic nutritionist from Galway — and I never released it. Fast forward to this year and it just fitted in so well in the Creative Flow series. This episode is going to be a little different to the previous three, as it doesn’t have a written interview to accompany it — rather it has a blog post written by Noelle, which you can read here, discussing the importance of minding our moods in order to create the “path to being well, whole and happy.”
So, why does this fit here? It was inspired by conversation. It encapsulates everything Creative Flow set out to be, a chat between two friends about life and finding the flow within it. Noelle Crehan is a naturopathic nutritionist who also specialises in massage therapy and integrative functional health. She is also one of my closest friends. We met just over two years ago and I really never expected a friendship in the way that ours is to blossom — just goes to show, you never know who or what’s around the corner in life.
Noelle is someone who’s extremely open with the struggles that she had to endure throughout her twenties. She’s learned through her hardship so much about herself and from that, she’s found her own Creative Flow in life and what she does. I think this video is so important in the context of Creative Flow because it captures the importance of expressing our feelings and learning to know ourselves a little better throughout all stages of life — I mean, name me one who hasn’t questioned themselves in what they’re doing or struggling to put a finger on how they feel in a given situation? Noelle examines how we need to delve into these feelings and treat them with the compassion they deserve in order to grow. A creative path is never the easy option, it’s the less travelled route in some cases and the one that others pick upon in society because it’s seen as ‘going against the grain.’ So, the aim of our conversation is to start asking ourselves what’s coming up for us and more importantly, how we are feeling everyday. Let’s open up the conversation and explore it, whatever that brings up.
Noelle has talked at depth with a brilliant analysis on her blog post. I would strongly urge you to have a read, discuss it with friends and family and get that conversation going.
I have learned so much from Noelle over the years, she is a fountain of knowledge and inspiration. So be sure to also follow her on Instagram, here, once you’ve watched the video.
If you haven’t already given last week’s Creative Flow interview with Irish DJs, Jack Banks and Manus Malone a read, you can do so by clicking here.
PS. Small thing but just to note there will be a small break on the Creative Flow series – Covid had other plans for me filming a few more people in the series but I will be back with some really funky interviews with a few people in the music industry very soon. Watch this space. Thank you SO much to anyone who had read an interview, shared someone’s story online or just sent me a message about the series — really means a lot and I honestly never expected it. Much love.
Till the next one,